YES! Mussels are high in potassium, calcium and iron. They are low in “bad” cholesterol, and high in heart healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. A 3.5 oz. serving of cooked mussel meats has only 172 calories and provides 23 grams of protein.
NO. Our fresh mussels are still alive and should not be frozen. Mussel shelf-life after packing in the plant is 9 to 14 days, depending on the season. In the store they are displayed covered with ice. At home you should place them in the refrigerator where they will keep for a number of days. (Look for the “use-by” date on the bag closure tag.) Keep the bag covered continuously with a wet towel. Never let the mussels sit in water.
First, inspect the mussels, throwing out ones with broken shells. If there are any with opened shells (gapers), run them under cold water or give them several firm taps with your fingers. If they close even a little, they are alive and can be eaten. Those with shells gaping widely should be discarded.
Most recipes call for steaming mussels. You can steam them in either water, wine or beer. Usually a half-inch of liquid in the bottom of the pot will steam them up nicely. Pour the liquid into the pot, set the mussels in, then cover with a tight-fitting lid and turn heat to high. Shake the pot a few times as the lid begins to rumble. Steam for approximately 4 to 5 minutes. When the shells pop open and the meat balls up and pulls away from the shells, they are done. Discard unopened mussels.
Use 12 to 15 mussels per person for appetizers and 25-30 per person for a main course. A 2-pound bag will serve two as an entrée or four as appetizers or as a main meal with pasta.
Mussel Information for Home Use
Moosabec Mussels ™ Inc.
48 Old House Point
P.O. Box 267
Jonesport, ME 04654
cell: (207) 598-7731
fax: (207) 497-5413